A Wi-Fi Heuriger

Location:Zeillerner Mostg'wölb
Address:Oberzeillern 126, 3311 Zeillern
Status:Open (last checked on 27 May 2015)
Eaten:"Mostbaronplatte," two mugs of Most, one Schnapps

There was a time when Heurigers had no websites (well, some probably still don’t have them, but do they still have customers?). Zeiller is the first one I have seen to have Wi-Fi, though. Probably they simply installed a router and forgot to set up a password, but anyway this was a nice surprise. What will come next – a web-based app for selecting ingredients? Not that I would mind.

Belonging to the elite group of “Mostbaron” Heurigers, Mostg’wölb, like Distelberger in nearby Amstetten, offers a “sophisticated” kind of Brettljause they call a Mostbaronplatte. This allows them to skip on a wooden plate but include some stuff not normally found in a Brettljause, such as a piece of a dark dried fruit (whatever it is), some chestnuts, Solettis and an unidentified creamy spread with some berries. More importantly, there are three types of cheeses, two of them actually having a taste, and the third one being of a creamy sort. Meat-wise, there is salami, ham, cold Schweinsbratten with some filling (potato, perhaps) and half of a Knödel with minced meat stuffing. Apart from the unexceptional Knödel, the meats were excellent – all produced locally and tasting distinctly non-industrial. According to the menu, the son of the owner is a butcher, and he certainly knows his stuff.

Speaking of the owner, he is an extremely sociable person, coming to the table to talk several times during the meal. If you just want to sit quietly and enjoy their very good Most while reading a book, this can be quite of a nuisance, but I simply consider this friendly service. Apart from the Mostbaronplatte, the Mostg’wölb’s menu contains a cheese plate, a pork specialties plate and some other stuff as well as a great selection of Most, and this certainly warrants another visit at some point in the future.

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