Bad Weather Jause

Location:Alpengasthof Brechhornhaus
Address:Oberwindau 190a, 6363 Westendorf
Status:Open (last checked on 8 June 2019)
Eaten:"Tiroler Speck- Käseplatte," two ½ beers (Zipfer)

“Once the clouds clear up, it is going to be a warm and sunny day,” the radio announced at my breakfast this morning. “If they clear up,” it should have said instead. It was nearly two o’clock, and the surroundings reminded me more of late November than of early June. It was a gray day with overcast sky, and plenty of snow patches still covered the mountain I was hiking on. Where the snow had melted, it turned the ground into muddy puddles, and the much-advertised mountain lake towards which I spent an hour walking was still partly covered with ice and reflected nothing but the greyness of the skies above. Global warming, my ass.

I had managed to miss the restaurant, too. Twice. When I finally noticed it, it looked distinctly uninviting: empty tables outside, a few parked cars and a couple of bored children trying to find something to play with while their parents ate and drank. It was only when I got inside that it occurred to me that the place must look very different when the weather is better.

The restaurant is part of a mountain resort, which must be very cool considering how remote it is. The menu is short but reasonably good, while the wine card is actually far above the average. They even have a wine cooler cabinet there. Brechhornhaus is not a simple mountain hut.

It is unfortunate that their Brettljause, although nicely presented, was nothing special. Speck was there, of course, but the other ingredients were cheese. Three of them, including a soft one, which should have been a good sign, but at the end none of the cheeses tasted strong enough. Given the fine Tyrolean Speck (and some efficient ways to slice it thinly), I could have prepared such a Brettljause in a couple of minutes.

However, perhaps my mood was indeed negatively affected by the weather. Had it been sunny and warm, and had I the chance to sit outside, the experience would have been very different. The score below reflects that hypothetical scenario.

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