Revisiting the Winner

Location:Klein Steiermark
Address:Heeresmuseumstraße 1, 1030 Wien
Status:Open (last checked on 28 October 2024)
Eaten:"¼ Martini Gansl aus dem Josper-Grill," two beers (Kaiser Doppelmalz)

The goose season has started and what is a better way of celebrating this fact than to pay a visit to the last year’s winner? After all, people who consult this site to choose the location for their goose dinners may go straight for the top recommendation, and if their high expectations are not met, they may curse me or – worse – try to find my address and ask for a refund.

Just kidding, I know that no one is reading this site except robots; Google Analytics makes this quite clear.

Anyway, if you compare this and last year’s photos of Klein Steiermark’s Gansl, the only difference is in the shapes and the colors of the plates. Thanks to the restaurant’s unique way of preparing the goose in some sort of a super-grill, the meat was fantastically tender, the same as I remembered it from the previous visits. Unfortunately, everything else became a bit less. The skin was not crunchy, except for a few obviously burned bits. The two types of cabbage have lost some of their spiciness and gained acidity. The dumpling’s subtle taste has vanished altogether; the apple was served lukewarm; and the sauce was just a brown liquid to dip the meat in, lacking any flavor of its own.

Don’t get me wrong, it was still a great Martinigansl. I have eaten enough bad and average geese in my life to say that the one of Klein Steiermark is special. It was just not as outstanding as it was a year ago. Let’s hope I simply came on a wrong day and at a wrong time. To end on another positive note, it was nice to see that the price has remained the same as last year, while the prices at many other restaurants are skyrocketing.

4 Responses

  1. Christoph Stepan

    OH my god! we expected you as regurarly around 30th.
    Our Grillmaster on Josper went sick, and – you will not believe – we ha to change the recipe for the dumplings and the sauces – as cook s are always changing.
    I am Christoph . by the way. I had several restaurants in Vienna. Now i am kind of a secret Counsellor for the Owner – who is actually chinese. and also on holiday at this time. – as he is tasting everything – haha
    But any way- it should not have happened. Maybe we get another chance before we loose Number 1

    Best regards

    • Oplan Stripsl

      Thanks for the reply! Sorry to hear about your Grillmaster – I hope he/she will get better soon! And the season has just started – there is a good chance I will pass by with my friends in November! The Grillmaster’s replacement has done a pretty good job actually 🙂

      • Christoph Stepan

        The Geese will arrive in app. 10 Days! Carefully selected. We keep the price, although the buying price increased a lot. But anyway! WE WILL be ready around 15th of October! Cheeeeers!!!!!


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