A Restaurant Heuriger

Location:Wein & Heuriger Ganneshofer
Address:Hauptstraße 15, 2504 Sooß
Status:Open (last checked on 28 December 2024)
Eaten:"Winzerteller," small mixed salad, ¼ Chardonnay Madera 2022, 1/4 Grüner Veltliner “Harterberg” 2023

A question to Ganneshofer and other involved Heurige (there are many of you): do you really get a lot of complains from your customers if you remove the skin from the blood sausage? Have people left nasty comments in your complaints book or asked to call the manager just because the skin was missing? Do you think they really enjoy taking the skin off themselves and then continue eating the dish while looking at the brown shrunken piece of a pig’s intestine? If not, why not get rid of the skin before serving your Brettljause?

The skin aside, Ganneshofer served a decent, though unspectacular Brettljause featuring a lot of green stuff (good) and only five ingredients (bad). Apart from the blood sausage, which was quite edible with mustard and strong horseradish, there were instantly forgettable cheese with holes, a well-made, thick and tasty Liptauer spread, a ham from Thum (apparently a well-known ham producer) and a smoked ham, which was partly dry and thus hard to chew. The bread was not included in the price – honestly, for almost 13 euros, a couple of slices could have been provided – and both types of rolls I took were past their prime. Had they been softer and, preferably, warm, my impression of the Liptauer and the dish in general would have been more positive.

The Jause came on a long plate rather than a wooden plank, adding to the feeling that Ganneshofer is more of a “normal” restaurant than a Heuriger. The choice of dishes at the buffet display is extremely limited, while the menu contains quite a lot of stuff, like beef tartar, that a Heuriger usually does not offer. Actually, if you visit Ganneshofer, reserve it for lunch or dinner and have a proper meal, ignoring the Brettljause. The restaurant’s wines are very good, and the salad I took was very fresh and enjoyable, but its Brettljause was not worth the money and the chewing effort.

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