Small But (Not) Good

Address:Jadersdorf 38, 9620 Hermagor
Status:Open (last checked on 25 June 2024)
Eaten:"Kleine Brettljause," two beers (Hirter)

Finally, there is a hut with common sense! As I have been preaching for a year already, Kohlröslhütte offers Brettljausen in two sizes: a “normal” one for 18 euros and a small version for 13 euros. While the prices of Brettljausen have skyrocketed (by the way, isn’t it time to introduce a Brettljause index to measure changes in purchasing power, similar to the Big Mac index?), some apologetic huts have increased the portions, making the Jausen not only stupidly expensive, but also unfinishable. The “small” Brettljause of Kohlröslhütte, on the other hand, is absolutely fine size-wise for a single person without breaking the bank.

It is a great initiative, Kohlröslhütte, but the next step for you would be to make the Brettljause better, because the one you have served me was nearly a disaster. I cannot blame you for the extremely liver-y liver spread – I simply dislike liver – but screwing up Verkackertes really requires some skill. In Kohlröslhütte’s case, it was not minced finely enough, containing disgusting lumps of hard-to-chew Speck in the middle of viscous fat. The Liptauer had the same problem – it contained lumps of something in it, like cottage cheese. The thick slice of Speck did not impress with its taste, so cutting it with a not particularly sharp knife while holding with a hand (following local customs, no fork was provided) felt like a lot of annoying work. The cheese had so little flavor, it was very boring to eat, and only the Hauswurst was up to the standards. The only thing that saved the Brettljause from a catastrophe, was, strangely enough, the Kohlrabi, having a few slices of which was unusual and welcome.

Mind you, Kohlröslhütte is a very nice place. The service is great, the beer is cold and served in glasses rather than bottles, and the people around me who were eating things other than the Brettljause – particularly Kaiserschmarren – looked very happy. Perhaps Brettljausen are simply not the hut’s strength. Still, leaving Kohlröslhütte, I noticed a small fenced yard with two pigs in it, which will quite certainly turn into Speck and Hauswurst in their afterlife. What a horrible waste, I thought.

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