A Snack Jause

Location:Schimanko’s Winzerhaus
Address:Kahlenbergerdorf, Bloschgasse 7, 1190 Wien
Status:Closed (last checked on 29 December 2024)
Eaten:Brettljause, two ¼ Frührote Veltliner

The mighty Google translates “Jause” as “Snack.” In reality, these “snacks” often beat what would be called main dishes in terms of quantity and fat. Schimanko’s Brettjause, on the other hand, is a perfect snack: a nice way to finish a day in which you have already eaten something big, heavy and unhealthy.

What one gets are five types of meat (Speck, Schweinsbraten, Extrawurst, ham and small slices of smoked paprika sausage), some cheese, butter, Pfefferoni, mustard, horseradish, salty cucumbers and green onions serving as decoration. None of the ingredients are especially good, and all could well come from a supermarket, but the fact that there is not an overload of them makes the whole thing more welcome than it perhaps deserves to be.

They have also been extremely generous with butter, cucumbers, horseradish and mustard, which, strangely, makes a lot of difference. Somehow it’s much more pleasant to put each slice of sausage on a ton of butter and horseradish than having to save each drop of mustard when dealing with piles of meat. And the little garden they have is very sweet. Definitely one of the better places to drink a glass or two at.

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