A Blunzen-Orgy
For the first time in my life, I was asked whether I wanted a big or a small Brettljause. Knowing how small a Brettljause could be, I went for the... Read more →
Mediocrity with a View
It is known that in marketing the three most important considerations are location, location and location. While it’s not especially evident that... Read more →
A Jause with an Apple
To be fair, it was not a Brettljause. A real Brettljause was also available on the menu, but the “Mostbaron Teller” promised more cheese and no... Read more →
Grapes and Horseradish
Here is a place that was probably designed as a tourist attraction but ended up being mostly frequented by Austrians, with quite a few office parties... Read more →
To their credit, Jagakölla owners don’t call their dish Brettljause (it comes on a plate, after all). This is the only credit I can give them,... Read more →
A Good Average
The Wachau valley has thousands of cyclists who surely love to stop on their way from Ybbs to Krems and eat something small and traditional. The... Read more →
Schweinsbraten Lunch at a Chicken Place
At 11 Euro (without a salad or bread but with a small Schnapps), this is definitely one of the most expensive Brettljausen (Brettljauses?) around,... Read more →
Early Spring Jause
This was my first Brettljause of 2012 and the first meal while sitting outside, so this was in a way special experience. Mühlfeldhof is a Heuriger... Read more →
Last Month’s Ribs
When I ordered Mexican chilly ribs, I was expecting to find some hot chili sauce on the top of the ribs. What I could not expect was that the ribs... Read more →
Extended Goose
When a restaurant announces that it has extended its goose season, it is generally not a good sign. It is an even worse sign when the restaurant is... Read more →
A Duckish Goose
I was probably lucky to get a goose wing this time, after a season dominated by legs. A wing by definition contains less meat by itself, encouraging... Read more →
A Leg in a Goose Sauce
If this really was one-quarter of a goose as the menu claimed, the poor animal must have spent its life being shown at carnivals as the world’s... Read more →